Portable Paint Sets and Brushes

There are so many fun ways to use a portable paint set. I love to take out my paint set and capture colors in a cafe or paint a quick sketch I’ve done in my hotel room. Sometimes I will just take my journal, black micron and a portable watercolor set with me in my travel journal art kit. It’s all I need to capture the beauty of a place.

My Favorite Portable Watercolor Set

The Sakura 24 Field Sketch Set is by far my favorite portable watercolor set. I love Sakura products. They are great quality and they’re designed so well! This kit comes with 24 beautiful colors in a lightweight plastic palette. The palette has two sponges on either side to blot and a detachable pan to mix colors, and it comes with a water brush. The size of it is wonderful and fits into any bag. They also come in other sizes, if you’re a beginner and would like to start smaller, I would recommend the set of 12 colors. It’s the same in every way except a bit smaller and a bit cheaper.

Essential: Watercolor Brush

You think you can’t use watercolors on the go because it’s too messy and annoying? Think again. With this Sakura Watercolor Brush you don’t need any water dish or other source of water, its all in the brush. You just fill it one time, put the cap on and throw it in your bag with your watercolor set. Then when you’re ready to paint, you just pull it out, and paint. The water s in the base of the brush. Just squeeze and voile! It’s amazing and makes it so you can use your watercolor palette anywhere. I’ve painted on airplanes, in cafes, on park benches and never had a problem or felt messy. This set of 3 Sakura Water Brushes comes with one of each tip: fine, medium and large.