How to Make a Unique Bullet Journal Travel Packing List

I love packing for a trip. It reminds me that soon I’ll be on a plane, traveling to a new and exciting place. When I don’t love packing is when I feel overwhelmed and like I’m going to leave some important things behind.

For this reason I love creating a packing list spread in my bullet journal. It combines a beautiful spread, with clear and organized lists so I know I won’t forget anything. I’ve made many packing lists for different trips and have learned a few things a long the way. Here’s my guide to making the ultimate travel bullet journal packing list.

1. Gather Inspiration

This is the fun part! Go online or on Pinterest and gather inspiration for your spread. Think about:

  • Layout: There are so many to choose from when bullet journaling. But for your packing list, its a bit more straightforward. you need to have room for your title, categories and lists of items. Make sure you have those things and you’re golden.
  • Title: look at the different titles and how
  • Categories: Take note of the different categories
  • Colors: What colors pop out at you. Which do you like? The super colorful spreads or the more minimal color palettes? Take note of your preferences.
  • Doodles and Extras: There are so many fun ideas online, people are so creative! I have found a ton of spreads that I love with luggage doodles or stickers for each category. I always make note of fun ideas that pop out at me and make sure I try to incorporate them in my spread if I can.

Once your inspiration is gathered, make sure you save all of your inspirations for easy access on a Pinterest board or folder on your computer. You’re going to need it later as you create your travel notebook spread.

2. Make a Plan for your Content and Ask Yourself Some Important Questions

It’s time to begin creating your unique spread. Now that you have some layout ideas floating around in your head, it’s time to move on to thinking about the specific needs of your trip and how that will be illustrated in your spread. This is just the beginning. The point of this step is to make a very general plan for your spread, what you’re going to include and a list that you can change as you go. But since the list can get overwhelming and unruly very quickly, it’s good to have a plan at the beginning.

Since every trip is different, it’s important to ask yourself some questions at the beginning that will help you make a list for your specific trip.

Where are you going and what special items are needed?

Make sure and take into account the specific place you’re traveling to. What’s the weather like? What season will it be? Will you be swimming or skiing? This is important for what you pack as well as how you design your layout.

What are your nonnegotiables?

Every trip is unique, but every place you go, there are some things you always take. Your electronics, toiletries and journal supplies usually stay pretty consistent, so if you have a list from a previous trip that you can use as a template, that will save you a lot of time. If you don’t you’re making one now!

Take some time to think about your nonnegotiables and jot them down to add to your packing list spread.

3. Plan your Categories

Now it’s time to plan your specific categories. I listed some below. It’s helpful to go back to your inspiration and look at their categories as well. Here are some common categories:

  • Documents: This includes all the documents that you might need during your trip. Passport, visas, hotel info. Note: most of this goes inside my travel notebook and case so I know I always have it with me.
  • Technology: This includes all electronic gadgets and cords. Don’t forget headphones, camera and chargers!
  • Beauty/Toiletries: This includes toothbrush, toothpaste, make-up, etc.
  • Clothing/Shoes: This is the category that takes the most work and planning. Since the length, weather and occasion of every trip is different, this takes some time to plan. Don’t forget socks and underwear here!
  • Journal and Supplies: My favorite category. I always try to change up my supplies a bit every trip, so making this list helps me decide which supplies I’m going to take and not to forget my standbys!
  • Entertainment: Books, magazines, etc. These are essential for long travel days.
  • Other: Anything else you might need!
4. Plan Your Layout

Once you have a quick list of your categories and items, you’re ready to plan your bullet journal layout. This isn’t about what information is on the page, but how it looks. Ask yourself: How do you want your layout to look? What clues does your inspiration images give you? Will your layout be minimal or really colorful with lots of doodles and design elements? Take a minute to think about what you like and want to see on your spread and sketch it out quick on a scratch piece of paper or in pencil on your journal page.

5. Gather your supplies

Now that the planning is done, it’s time to gather your supplies. Whatever you decided to use in your planning phase, gather those supplies so you have easy access to everything you need before you get started. Here I would encourage you to be creative. Bullet journal travel packing lists are organized, yes. But they don’t have to be boring. Maybe get out your paint set and special pens and try a border or doodle technique you’ve never tired. Be adventurous. This travel notebook is capturing the person you are in this moment, lean into that and have fun.

6. Create Your Title

It’s good to create your title first because its going to be the biggest feature on your page. Make sure the lettering is clear and shows the personality of the trip.

7. Add Your Categories and Supply List

Time to put down all the categories and items you decided to take. Take your time with the lettering. Make it clear and even. You want to be able to read it for a long time to come. And make sure to add a check box or circle next to each item so you can check it off as you pack. This will (hopefully) ensue you won’t forget anything.

8. Add Color and Design Detail

Now it’s time to add any color or design elements included in your layout. This may be doodles or stickers. Whatever you feel!

9. Add Finishing Touches

After you finish adding your last design detail, take a step back and look at your spread. Does it look the way you imagined it? Does it need any other elements? Maybe adding a bit more color or a border going around the page. Ask yourself if it needs anything else. If the answer is yes, add it. If the answer is no, it’s done!

10. Enjoy! And Now Go Pack

After all that, you have a beautiful spread with a complete packing list for your trip. Feels good right? I love making my list for each trip. It gives me a sense of excitement about the trip before I even leave and it gives me a sense of calm. I know what to pack, I know I won’t forget anything and I can look back on this beautiful spread for years to come.

What do you all include in your packing list? Is there anything I missed? Any trick you love and want to share? Leave them in the comments below. Happy packing!